Friday 10 October 2014

Signs and SignifiersPoster


For out poster we wanted to make a new TV shoe that was based on equality, hence the name of the show. The slogan of the poster 'Does it still exist' kind of lets on what the show is about, more then the title. It shows that the show is about some who isn't being treated as a equal. With the picture that we took, we have it so that there is a white person sitting away from the other, when there is a big space between her and the other. The girl on the right is hiding her identity, not wanting anyone else to see who she is. However this could be seen in two different ways, the first way is the one I have just explained, a bit of a racist way, but the other one is that you don't know what the girl on the right has done, why she is sitting there, she could have done something really bad and people don't want to be around her because of that, not because of who she is.

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